Is it possible to be issued a refund?
The only circumstance in which you will receive a refund is if we do not deliver your order within 12 hours of the time in which you first placed your order. However, if your order has been delivered promptly and completely, we will not issue a refund.
If I change my mind after I complete my order, can I cancel it and get a refund?
We give refunds only if we have not yet placed an order. If your order is in queue or being processed, your order has been placed and therefore we cannot refund you.
You agree that once you complete a payment, you will not file a dispute or a chargeback against us for any reason.
The protection of the consumers is a one of the wide topic in every business sector. Yet, nearly every sector has their own sevices just forkeeping the consumer rigths and providing the consumer satisfaction.To avoid the out of favour situations the refund policy has impotancy for the consumer satifaction.
Since we provide the consumer rights, we also put emphasis on the refund policy. Many consumer ask about the possibility for the issued a refund. According to our refund policy, the only way that you can get the refund is in case of if you do not get delivered your order in 12 hours of the time in which you first placed your order. However, if your order has been delivered promptly and completely, we will not issue a refund. It is also questioned so frequently that If I change my mind after I complete my order, can I cancel it and get a refund? As for our refund policy; We give refunds only if we have not yet placed an order. If your order is in queue or being processed, your order has been placed and therefore we cannot refund you.
Lastly about our refund policy, once you complete a payment, you will not file a dispute or a chargeback against us for any reason.
Refund mode & processing duration
Refund will be made directly to your payment source i.e ( credit , debit or wallet ) It can take upto 1 to 14 business days to process your refund.